Exhibitor Application Secure your booth space.

Come out on Top: Why You Need to Exhibit at GROOM’D

When a highly targeted audience of grooming, pet service and retail professionals converges on the Georgia International Convention Center, the opportunities for an unprecedented return on investment are endless. Thousands of attendees strong and growing by leaps and bounds, GROOM’D is an unrivaled opportunity to establish brand awareness and loyalty, and build new relationships with prospective customers while maintaining existing ones.

Showcase your products and services—and keep pace with your competition—on an expanded show floor featuring the newest products and latest innovations from 100+ of your peers.


Regular Linear Booth also called “in-line” booths, are arranged in a straight line and have neighboring exhibitors on their immediate right and left.  

A Corner Booth is a Linear Booth at the end of a series of in-line booths with exposure to intersecting aisles on two sides. All other guidelines for Linear Booths apply. 


Reserve your booth early for the best space selection, the sales team will reach out to discuss availability if needed.

Review the floor plan and select your preferred booth locations.

Complete the contract indicating your first and second choices for booth locations.

Submit the contract with the required deposits

If you are unable to find your password, email us and we will send your log in credentials.

For questions about exhibiting at GROOM’D, please call 626-447-2222, ask for the Sales Dept. or email.